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"Spiritual Goals" 12/31/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Emmanuel - Philippians 2:5-11" 12/24/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"God''s Mystery Revealed - Ephesians 5:1-21" 12/17/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Unsolved Mysteries: What happened to the holy grail?" 12/17/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"God''s Mystery Revealed - Ephesians 4:17-32" 12/10/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"God''s Mystery Revealed - Ephesians 4:7-16" 12/3/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Unsolved Mysteries of the Bible: Melchizedek" 12/3/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"God''s Mystery Revealed - Ephesians 4:1-6" 11/26/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Paul''s Prayer for Strength" 11/19/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Importance of the Small Things - Zechariah 4" 11/19/2023 (PM Service) Jeff Baker
"The Minister of the Mystery" 11/12/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Bless the Food" 11/12/2023 (PM Service) Charlie Baker
"Highlights of Ephesians" 11/5/2023 (AM Service) Ken Palmer
"The Whole Armor of God" 11/5/2023 (PM Service) Ken Palmer
"Study of Ephesians - Ephesians 2:11-22" 10/29/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"This World is not My Home" 10/29/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"God''s Mystery Revealed - Ephesians 2:1-10" 10/22/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Question Night: Who Changed Old Testament Worship?" 10/22/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Where is your line?" 10/15/2023 (AM Service) Jeff Baker
"Paul''s Prayer for Knowledge" 10/8/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Unsolved Mysteries of the Bible: Where is the Garden of Eden?" 10/8/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Unsolved Mysteries: 10 Lost Tribes of Israel" 10/1/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"The Baptism of Jesus - Matthew 3:13-17" 9/24/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Unsolved Mysteries of the Bible: Where is Noah''s Ark?" 9/24/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"The Life of Mark" 9/17/2023 (AM Service) Jeff Baker
"I Am Innocent... Matthew 27:24-26" 9/10/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Unsolved Mysteries of the Bible: What Time of Year was Jesus Born?" 9/10/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"The Mount of Olives" 9/3/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Who Was the Pharoah of the Exodus?" 9/3/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"An Unusual Demonstration of Generosity" 8/27/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel: Purim" 8/27/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"The Greatest Command - Matthew 22:34-40" 8/20/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Becoming Like Children" 8/13/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Anxiety" 8/6/2023 (AM Service) Ken Palmer
"Gratitude" 8/6/2023 (PM Service) Ken Palmer
"Jesus Feeds the 5000 - Matthew 14:13-21" 7/30/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Disciples and the Feeding of the 5000" 7/30/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Light is the Best Disinfectant" 7/23/2023 (AM Service) Jeff Baker
"Hezekiah and the Questions of Sennacherib" 7/23/2023 (PM Service) Jeff Baker
"Does Free Will Matter?" 7/16/2023 (AM Service) Jeff Baker
"Missions In Mexico" 7/16/2023 (PM Service) Charlie Baker
"The Temptation of Jesus" 7/9/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Apathy and Christianity " 7/2/2023 (AM Service) John Kachelman
"What is "Casting Lots"?" 7/2/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"The Genealogy of Jesus" 6/25/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Are There Any "Logical" Reasons to Believe in the Word of God?" 6/25/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Simon Says : Lesson XIV - The Change" 6/18/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel: Hanukkah" 6/18/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Simon Says - The Life of Peter: The Confinement" 6/11/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Simon Says : Lesson XII - The Commencing" 6/4/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel: Feast of Tabernacles" 6/4/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Simon Says - The Life of Peter: The Commission" 5/28/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel: Yom Kippur" 5/28/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Simon Says - The Life of Peter: The Confirmation" 5/21/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel 8: Rosh HaShanah" 5/21/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Simon Says : Lesson IV - The Collapse (Part 3)" 5/14/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Parable of the Talents" 5/7/2023 (AM Service) Jeff Baker
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel: Pentecost" 5/7/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Simon Says - The Life of Peter: The Collapse (2)" 4/30/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Put Your Weight On God" 4/30/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"The Life of Peter : The Collapse (1)" 4/23/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Faithful Rechabites" 4/23/2023 (PM Service) Jeff Baker
"Simon Says - The Life of Peter: The Coin" 4/16/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel 6: The Firstfruits" 4/16/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"He Is Not Here, He Is Risen!" 4/9/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Simon Says: The Life of Peter 5 - The Comments" 4/2/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel 5: Passover 3, New Testament Observation" 4/2/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Simon Says - The Life of Peter: The Confessions" 3/26/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel 4: Passover part 2" 3/26/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Simon Says: The Life of Peter 3 - The Cruise" 3/19/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel 3: Passover" 3/19/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Simon Says - The Life of Peter: The Curing" 3/12/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Bezalel & Oholiab : Using your gifts" 3/5/2023 (AM Service) Jeff Baker
"Simon Says - The Life of Peter: The Call" 3/5/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"We May Know - I John 5:13-21" 2/26/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel 2: Sabbath" 2/26/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"We May Know: 1 John 5:1-12" 2/19/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Feasts, Festivals, and Holy Days of Israel 1: the Basics" 2/19/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"We May Know - I John 4" 2/12/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"We May Know: 1 John 3:11-24" 2/5/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Taking God For Granted" 2/5/2023 (PM Service) Jeff Baker
"We Know (1 John 3:1-10)" 1/29/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Knowing God" 1/29/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"We May Know: 1 John 2:18-29" 1/22/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Equipping Alaska" 1/22/2023 (PM Service) Jeff Smith
"We May Know: 1 John 2:1-17" 1/15/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Power of Jesus" 1/15/2023 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"We May Know: 1 John 1" 1/8/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Going All In - Luke 14:25-31" 1/1/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Mission of the Church: What now?" 1/1/2023 (AM Service) Tim Agee

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