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"The Greatest Gift" 12/26/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Birth of Jesus" 12/19/2021 (AM Service) James Slate
"Sermons From the Sermon: Kingdom Choices" 12/12/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Choosing Jesus" 12/12/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: Prerequisites For Effective Prayer" 12/5/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Context Matters: Romans 10" 12/5/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: Pray Like This" 11/28/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"How To Love God And Neighbor" 11/28/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: The Motivation for Righteousness" 11/21/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: Case Studies in Righteousness" 11/14/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Spiritual Wrestling" 11/7/2021 (AM Service) Jeff Baker
"The Assurance of Things Hoped For" 11/7/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: The Standard of Righteousness" 10/31/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Why we Sing" 10/31/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: Salt And Light" 10/24/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The question of predestination " 10/24/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: The Beattitudes" 10/17/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Joy and Unity part 4" 10/10/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Samson''s Prayer" 10/10/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Paul''s Past, Present, and Future" 10/3/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Jacob''s Blessing" 10/3/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"The Source of Unity" 9/26/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Devil''s Playbook" 9/26/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Joy in Suffering" 9/19/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Joy and Unity" 9/12/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Teaching Jesus" 9/5/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Hannah''s Prayer" 9/5/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Putting On Christ" 8/29/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"How to Handle Unfairness" 8/29/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"God is Revealed" 8/22/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Search for Happiness" 8/22/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"What Fills Your Life?" 8/15/2021 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Owning Your Faith" 8/15/2021 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"5 Questions Jonah Faced" 8/8/2021 (AM Service) James Slate
"What is my Purpose?" 8/4/2021 (PM Service) Nathan Diller
"The Way of Transformation" 8/3/2021 (PM Service) Nathan Diller
"The Way of Power" 8/2/2021 (PM Service) Nathan Diller
"Grace And Truth" 8/1/2021 (AM Service) Jonathan Deadmon
"The Way of Suffering" 8/1/2021 (PM Service) Nathan Diller
"One Sermon to Preach" 7/25/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"It is Finished" 7/25/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Highlighting Scripture" 7/18/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Listen to Me" 7/11/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Shame" 7/11/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Freedom From Sin" 7/4/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Noah, Romans 8" 7/4/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"How do you Describe God?" 6/27/2021 (AM Service) Jeff Baker
"The Lost Art of Modesty" 6/27/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Faithful, Focused Fathers" 6/20/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Raising the Bar of Faith" 6/13/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Blessed" 6/13/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"All Men, Everywhere " 6/6/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Tolerance or Truth" 5/30/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Social Justice or Social Gospel?" 5/30/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Trust" 5/23/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Question/Answer" 5/23/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Two Kinds of Healing" 5/16/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"A Mother''s Sermon Day" 5/9/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"How to Study the Bible" 5/9/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Why do Good People do Bad Things?" 5/2/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Tempting Jesus" 5/2/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"5 Promises of God" 4/25/2021 (AM Service) James Slate
"The Power of the Word of God" 4/25/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"How to Face the Future" 4/18/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"How to Criticize" 4/11/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"How to Receive Criticism" 4/11/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Triumph, Tragedy, Triumph" 4/4/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Questions and Answers" 4/4/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"From Triumph to Tragedy to Triumph" 3/28/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Are You A Selfish Person?" 3/28/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"The Math of the Cross" 3/21/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Successful Marriage" 3/14/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"The Lost" 3/14/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Gospel" 3/7/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Cost of Discipleship" 3/7/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Health: A Spiritual Matter?" 2/28/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Persistent Prayer" 2/28/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"A Faith that Moves" 2/21/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Courage" 2/14/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"God Cannot..." 2/7/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Self Righteousness" 2/7/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Yesterday, Today, and Forever" 1/31/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"The Rich Fool" 1/31/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Not Just Any Church" 1/24/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Male Leadership" 1/24/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Not Offended" 1/17/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"But We Read the Same Bible" 1/10/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"Who is a Christian?" 1/10/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes
"Improving Your Spiritual Vision" 1/3/2021 (AM Service) James Hayes
"One Another" 1/3/2021 (PM Service) James Hayes

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