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"It''s A Wonderful Life" 12/25/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Evangelism" 12/18/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Holy Land, Lesson Ten" 12/18/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Benevolence" 12/11/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Bearing Fruit" 12/4/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Holy Land, Lesson Nine" 12/4/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"What Is Edification?" 11/27/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Bear One Another''s Burdens" 11/27/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Worship: Preaching" 11/20/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Worship: The Lord?s Supper" 11/13/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Worship: Prayer" 11/6/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Holy Land, Lesson Eight" 11/6/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Worship: Why Should We Sing?" 10/30/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"As The Deer Pants For The Water" 10/30/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Worship: How?" 10/23/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Holy Land, Lesson Seven" 10/23/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Worship" 10/16/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Pharisee and the Tax Collector" 10/16/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Jesus'' Sacrifice is Sufficient" 10/9/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"To Protect and To Serve" 10/2/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Holy Land, Lesson Six" 10/2/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Within A True Monarchy" 9/25/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Holy Land, Lesson Five" 9/25/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"What Is The Church" 9/18/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Before Abraham Was, I AM" 9/11/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Holy Land, Lesson Four" 9/11/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"What Is Love?" 9/4/2022 (AM Service) Jeff Baker
"Questions Esther Faced" 9/4/2022 (PM Service) Jeff Baker
"I AM: He" 8/28/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Holy Land, Lesson Three" 8/28/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"I AM: The True Vine" 8/21/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"I AM: The Way, The Truth, and The Life" 8/14/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Holy Land, Lesson Two" 8/14/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"I AM: The Resurrection and The Life" 8/7/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
""Do Angels have Wings?" & "What is the Trinity?"" 8/7/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Let Go, Let God: Letting Go Of Our Pride" 7/31/2022 (AM Service) Garrett Dickerson
"Let Go, Let God: Letting Go Of Our Excuses" 7/31/2022 (PM Service) Garrett Dickerson
"I AM: The Good Shepherd" 7/24/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Holy Land, Lesson One" 7/24/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"I AM: The Door" 7/17/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"I AM: The Light of the World" 7/10/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Prodigal Son, Part 2" 7/10/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"I AM: The Bread of Life" 7/3/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Prodigal Son, Part 1" 7/3/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Your Lasting Impact" 6/29/2022 (PM Service) Chris Kidwell
"Edifying The Body" 6/28/2022 (PM Service) Chris Kidwell
"What Is Your Ministry?" 6/27/2022 (PM Service) Chris Kidwell
"Hosea: Accusations & Warnings" 6/26/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Who Is A Minister?" 6/26/2022 (PM Service) Chris Kidwell
"Honoring the One Who Gave Birth to Your Faith" 6/19/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"At The Right Time" 6/12/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Lost Sheep & Coin" 6/12/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Glorify God Through Suffering" 6/5/2022 (AM Service) Tyler Binkley
"Do I Need To Be Baptized Again?" 6/5/2022 (PM Service) Tyler Binkley
"What Does God See When He Looks At You?" 5/29/2022 (AM Service) Adam Callis
"What Is Your Hope?" 5/29/2022 (PM Service) Adam Callis
"Faith That Works: James 5:13-20" 5/22/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Questions and Answers" 5/22/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Faith That Works: James 5:7-12" 5/15/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Even When You Don''t Want To" 5/8/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"A Dispute About Footwashing" 5/8/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Faith That Works: The Case Against The Rich" 5/1/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Parables Of The Ten Virgins And The Talents" 5/1/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Faith That Works: James 4:1-17" 4/24/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Question Night" 4/24/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"He Is Not Here, He Is Risen" 4/17/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Faith That Works: James 3:1-18" 4/10/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Parable of the Sower" 4/10/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Faith That Works: James 2:14-25" 4/3/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"What Would You Have Me To Do For You?" 4/3/2022 (PM Service) Jonathan Deadmon
"Faith That Works: James 2:1-13" 3/27/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Unforgiving Servant" 3/27/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"He Will Be Blessed In His Doing: James 1:19-27" 3/20/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Faith That Works: James 1:1-12" 3/13/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Kingdom Of Great Value" 3/13/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Lessons From Sam''s Notes" 3/6/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Seeing Past The Storm" 3/6/2022 (PM Service) James Slate
"Should We Wail?" 2/27/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"What Is The Gift Of The Holy Spirit?" 2/27/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Parents and Children" 2/20/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"The Living Water" 2/13/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: Choosing the Right Foundation" 2/6/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"You Can Change" 2/6/2022 (PM Service) Jeff Baker
"Sermons From the Sermon: False Prophets...False Followers" 1/30/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: A Choice of Journey" 1/23/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: Nurturing Kingdom Relationships" 1/16/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: Judging Others" 1/9/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"How Does This Apply To Me?" 1/9/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee
"Sermons From the Sermon: Overcoming Worry" 1/2/2022 (AM Service) Tim Agee
"What Would Paul Pray For?" 1/2/2022 (PM Service) Tim Agee

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