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"Common Sense Christianity - Be Given to Patience and Prayer" 12/20/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Examine Yourselves" 12/20/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Those Who Will Come" 12/13/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Common Sense Christianity - The Rust is a Witness" 12/6/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"What a Savior" 12/6/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Give Thanks Unto the Lord" 11/29/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Got Wisdom?" 11/29/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Jesus - The Great Physician" 11/22/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"She Hath Done What She Could" 11/22/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Common Sense Christianity - Arrogance is Evil" 11/15/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"The Benefits of Bible Class" 11/15/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Can These Bones Live - Hope Renewed" 11/8/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"I'll be a Friend to Jesus" 11/1/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"The Path of Sin" 11/1/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Common Sense Christianity - Life is Better with God" 10/25/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Glimpses of Glory" 10/25/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"What is Man?" 10/18/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Preparing for Worship" 10/18/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"The Marvelous Blessings of God" 10/4/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Rooted and Grounded in Truth" 10/4/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Tips for the Christian's Spiritual Diet" 9/27/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Common Sense Christianity - Watch Your Mouth" 9/20/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Who is God?" 9/20/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Seen in the Cross" 9/13/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Common Sense Christianity - True Faith Works" 9/6/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Our Commission" 9/6/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"How Easily Isreal Could Have Been Saved" 8/30/2009 (AM Service) Jeff Baker
"Common Sense Christianity - We're All One" 8/23/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Love Not the World" 8/23/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Common Sense Christianity - Servants Do..." 8/16/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"What is Biblical Faith?" 8/16/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Common Sense Christianity - Insist to Persist" 8/9/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Why Man Hasn't Obeyed the Gospel" 8/2/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"This One Thing I Do" 8/2/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Amos 4:12 - Prepare to Meet Thy God" 7/29/2009 (PM Service) Chris Perry
"1 Corinthians 13:13 - The Greatest of These is Love" 7/28/2009 (PM Service) Chris Perry
"Joshua 24:19 - You Cannot Serve the Lord" 7/27/2009 (PM Service) Chris Perry
"Genesis 45:4 - Be Not Angry With Yourselves" 7/26/2009 (AM Service) Chris Perry
"Mark 14:8 - She Hath Done What She Could" 7/26/2009 (AM Service) Chris Perry
"Ephesians 5:32 - This is a Great Mystery" 7/26/2009 (PM Service) Chris Perry
"God's Redemptive Blessing" 7/19/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Having a Momentous Meeting" 7/19/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"The Beauty of Jesus" 7/12/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"The Christian's Rallying Cry" 7/5/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Be Not Overcome of Evil" 7/5/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"The Foolishness of the Rich Fool" 6/28/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Jumping on Jonah" 6/28/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Biblical Fathers" 6/21/2009 (AM Service) Jeff Baker
"Be Careful Little Eyes What You See..." 6/21/2009 (PM Service) Jeff Baker
"Children, An Heritage of the Lord" 6/14/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Gathering in the Summertime" 6/7/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"If I As a Christian Fail..." 6/7/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Holy Objectives of a Holy People" 5/31/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Understanding Christianity" 5/31/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Tomorrow Holds Hope" 5/24/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Overcoming Sin" 5/24/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Preaching - God's Foolishness" 5/17/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"For He That Is Not Against Us Is On Our Part" 5/17/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"A Mother's Heart" 5/10/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Satan's Scheme of Damnation" 5/3/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Living Lessons from the Book of Books" 5/3/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"The Lord's Invitation" 4/26/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Victory in Jesus [Revelation]" 4/26/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Defining Devotion - Overcoming the 'What's It Going To Cost Me' Mentality" 4/19/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"For the Defense of the Faith [Jude]" 4/19/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"If It Don't Align, Decline" 4/12/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Restoring Our Joy" 4/5/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Walking in Truth [III John]" 4/5/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Because I Feared the People" 3/29/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"For the Truth's Sake [II John]" 3/29/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"The Unsearchable Greatness of God" 3/22/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"That Your Joy May Be Full [I John]" 3/22/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Making the Church Strong" 3/15/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Growth in Christ [II Peter]" 3/15/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"A Common Peace in Christ" 2/15/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"So Great Salvation [Hebrews]" 2/15/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Disputing Darwin to the Glory of God" 2/8/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Considering Our Ways - Life Lessons from the Ant Hill" 2/1/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"Lift Up Your Eyes and Look Upon Jesus" 2/1/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Christianity - The Better Life" 1/25/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"For the Sake of Brotherly Love [Philemon]" 1/25/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"Pharaoh's Legacy - Nothing Ever Changed" 1/18/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"The Christian's Responsibility to the Church [Titus]" 1/18/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer
"From Life to Life - Salvation's Steps" 1/11/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"A Psalm of Profound Penitence" 1/4/2009 (AM Service) Andy Brewer
"What is Faith Unfeigned [II Timothy]" 1/4/2009 (PM Service) Andy Brewer

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